Holiday Cheer Bouquet
Holiday Cheer Bouquet
Holiday Cheer Bouquet

Holiday Cheer Bouquet

Imagine a magical bouquet bursting with colors and textures! With Carnations, Mums, Eucalyptus, Misty Blue, Berries, Christmas Balls, and Pine Cones, it's like a forest wonderland in bloom. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any special occasion. Send this floral masterpiece as a gift filled with love and joy, delivered fresh to spread smiles everywhere!

Blooms: Carnation, Mums, Eucalyptus, Misty Blue, Berries, Christmas Balls, Pine Cone

Same Day Delivery: Pampanga, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal & Metro Manila.

Comes with: Complimentary Message Card & Free Delivery.

Price: ₱3,690.00

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